Dy fawredd di mor hynod yw, O Arglwydd Dduw y lluoedd; Ni all y Seraff mwyaf sy, Amgyffred dy weithredoedd. Nid oes i ti ddim dechreu bod, Na diwedd Hanfod iti; Yr un y ddoe, cyn gwneuthur dyn, A foru'r un a fyddi. Y nefoedd fry, a'r daear hon, A'u holl driglion rhyfedd; Y moroedd mawr, a'r tiroedd maith, Ynt gyson waith dy fysedd.Casgliad E Griffiths 1855 (Duw yn ddiddechreu a diddiwedd) Dy fawredd di mor hynod yw, O Arglwydd Dduw y lluoedd! A metha'r seraff mwyaf sy Amgyffred dy weithredoedd. Tydi wyt heb ddechreuad bod, Na diwedd hanfod iti; Yr un er doe, cyn gwneuthur dyn, A fory'r un a fyddi. Rhoed nef a daear fyth i'n Duw Anrhydedd gwiw'n wastadol; Addoliad dwys, gwasanaeth da, Ac ufydd fawl tragwyddol.Hymnau (Wesleyaidd) 1844 Tôn [MS 8787]: Rhuthyn (B M Williams 1832-1903)
Gwelir: |
Thy greatness is so remarkable, O Lord God of the hosts; The greatest seraph there is cannot Grasp thy works. There is to thee no beginning of being, Nor an end of Existence to thee; The same yesterday, before man's making, And tomorrow the same thou wilt be. Let heavens above, and this earth, With all their wonderful inhabitants; The great seas, and the vast lands, Are the constant work of thy fingers. (God as beginningless and endless) Thy greatness is so remarkable, O Lord God of the hosts! And the greatest seraph there is fails To grasp thy works. Thou art without beginning of being, Nor with an end of existence; The same since yesterday, before man's making, And tomorrow the same thou wilt be. Let heaven and earth ever give to our God Fitting honour continually; Intense adoration, good service, And dutiful, eternal praise.tr. 2010,16 Richard B Gillion |