Dy fawredd di mor hynod yw

(Tragywyddoldeb Duw)
Dy fawredd di mor hynod yw,
  O Arglwydd Dduw y lluoedd;
Ni all y Seraff mwyaf sy,
  Amgyffred dy weithredoedd.

Nid oes i ti ddim dechreu bod,
  Na diwedd Hanfod iti;
Yr un y ddoe, cyn gwneuthur dyn,
  A foru'r un a fyddi.

Y nefoedd fry, a'r daear hon,
  A'u holl driglion rhyfedd;
Y moroedd mawr, a'r tiroedd maith,
  Ynt gyson waith dy fysedd.
Casgliad E Griffiths 1855
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(Duw yn ddiddechreu a diddiwedd)

Dy fawredd di mor hynod yw,
  O Arglwydd Dduw y lluoedd!
A metha'r seraff mwyaf sy
  Amgyffred dy weithredoedd.

Tydi wyt heb ddechreuad bod,
  Na diwedd hanfod iti;
Yr un er doe,
    cyn gwneuthur dyn,
  A fory'r un a fyddi.

Rhoed nef a daear fyth i'n Duw
  Anrhydedd gwiw'n wastadol;
Addoliad dwys, gwasanaeth da,
  Ac ufydd fawl tragwyddol.
Hymnau (Wesleyaidd) 1844

Tôn [MS 8787]: Rhuthyn (B M Williams 1832-1903)

  Clodforwn di O Arglwydd da
  Dy orsedd oedd erioed Dduw Ner

(The Eternity of God)
Thy greatness is so remarkable,
  O Lord God of the hosts;
The greatest seraph there is cannot
  Grasp thy works.

There is to thee no beginning of being,
  Nor an end of Existence to thee;
The same yesterday, before man's making,
  And tomorrow the same thou wilt be.

Let heavens above, and this earth,
  With all their wonderful inhabitants;
The great seas, and the vast lands,
  Are the constant work of thy fingers.
- - - - -

(God as beginningless and endless)

Thy greatness is so remarkable,
  O Lord God of the hosts!
And the greatest seraph there is fails
  To grasp thy works.

Thou art without beginning of being,
  Nor with an end of existence;
The same since yesterday,
    before man's making,
  And tomorrow the same thou wilt be.

Let heaven and earth ever give to our God
  Fitting honour continually;
Intense adoration, good service,
  And dutiful, eternal praise.
tr. 2010,16 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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